Is David Gatten Vegetarian (2024)

1. The Secret of a Happy Home: David Gatten on The Extravagant Shadows

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  • The idea is one of contingency. Everybody must feel that something has been missed, because electing one course of life precludes any other. But what in my case has been missed?

The Secret of a Happy Home: David Gatten on The Extravagant Shadows

2. Immersed in the Process: The Work of David Gatten – Establishing Shot

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  • Guest post by Alex Svensson.

3. David Gatten - Facebook

4. Q&A: DAVID GATTEN - Desistfilm

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  • By David Phelps The word outstrips the sentence, and the design outstrips the system: the virtual text takes on compositional weight, and the flattened colors of flattened digital take on a variegated texture across the screen. As an ultra-virtual movie, it turns itself inside out; what’s left is simply what’s there. I talked with Gatten around midnight last October at Views from the Avant-Garde in New York, a couple nights after the movie’s premiere.

5. The Extravagant Shadows – David Gatten - Progarchy

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  • I had the fortune last evening, unbelievably as part of my job, to see what is only the third screening of David Gatten’s new digital movie, The Extravagant Shadows.  Gatten, who typically works in…

The Extravagant Shadows – David Gatten - Progarchy

6. Films by David Gatten - Chicago Reader

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  • Gatten, a former Chicagoan, will introduce three of his experimental works. Fred Camper called What the Water Said Nos. 1-3 (1998) a “brilliantly conceived” work “made by placing unexposed film in an undersea crab cage, the resulting scratches on the unprocessed footage representing the ‘organic logic of the ocean’s authorship.’” Also screening are What the […]

Films by David Gatten - Chicago Reader

7. Journal and Remarks | Viennale

  • David Gatten, United States, 2010, 15min, The conventional objectifying gaze ... Writer Anat Pick has described as “vegan cinema” the kind of gaze that ...

  • David Gatten, United States, 2010, 15min, The conventional objectifying gaze of the cinema has most often been discussed in terms of the (particularly female)…

Journal and Remarks | Viennale

8. Vegetarian - The Telegraph

  • Move is bid to appeal to flexitarians who don't want to switch to entirely vegan diet. Emma Gatten 25 Jun 2024, 8:17pm ... Meat Free sign indicating the ...

  • The answer to humane meat is better farming, not Silicon Valley Frankenfood

Vegetarian - The Telegraph
Is David Gatten Vegetarian (2024)
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Author: Delena Feil

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Author information

Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.